
University of California, Berkeley

Installing Flamenco

To install Flamenco, download the distribution and unpack it to yield a flamenco directory. Type the command cd flamenco to change into that directory, and then give the command:


The installer will scan your system for Python binaries and ask you to choose one. If it finds an acceptable version of Python, you can just press Return to accept it, or you can enter the path to any Python binary that's at least version 2.3. If the Python you choose doesn't already have MySQLdb installed, the Flamenco installer will attempt to build MySQLdb for you at this point.

You will then be prompted for a target directory in which to install Flamenco. The default, /usr/local/flamenco, is a reasonable place to install Flamenco if you are the system administrator. If you are not using an administrator account, you should choose a path that you control, such as one in your home directory like /home/username/flamenco.

The installation script will then automatically copy and unpack the files you need to run Flamenco.

Importing Your Data

The next step is to load your collection into Flamenco. To do this, give the command

target/bin/flamenco import directory
where target is the target directory you chose for Flamenco and directory is the directory containing your data files. See the preceding section for details on the names and contents of these TSV-formatted data files.

Importing a collection creates a new Flamenco instance. Each instance of the Flamenco application is an independently running server, with an associated collection, MySQL database, and optional customizations to the user interface. When you import a collection, you'll be asked to provide login information for the MySQL account, the name of the MySQL database, and a name for the instance. The instance will reside at target/bin/instances/instance, where instance is the name of the instance.

You'll also be asked to supply a port range for WebKit to use, with the default being ports 21600 through 21609. Each Flamenco instance corresponds to a WebKit server that runs on its own TCP port. When an instance starts up, it will check the ports in the specified range one by one until an available port is found. So, by default, it will attempt to take port 21600, and if that is in use or otherwise unavailable, it will try port 21601, then 21602, and so on. In most cases you will not need to change the port range, so you can just press Return when prompted. However, if you need to run more than ten instances, you'll need to extend the port range, or if your system has a firewall that blocks the default ports, you may need to change the port range.

You can create as many instances as you want with each one browsing a different collection. You can even create more than one instance for the same collection (say, to try different variations on the user interface) as long as each instance uses a separate MySQL database.

The import procedure loads your data from the tab-separated files, checks and normalizes it, and converts it to a series of SQL statements. If you need to save the results of this conversion, you can supply a filename as an additional argument.

target/bin/flamenco import directory filename
If you supply a filename, the import program will write the SQL dump of your collection to that file instead of creating a new instance in Flamenco.

Installing the CGI Script

Finally, you need to place the Flamenco CGI script somewhere that your Web server can see it. As the installation script will tell you, the file you need to copy is located at target/bin/flamenco.cgi, where target is the target directory you chose for Flamenco. All Web access to all Flamenco instances will take place through this one script. You can put it anywhere that the Web server is willing to run CGI scripts.

If you have more than one version of Python on your system, you may need to edit the first line of the script to point at a Python executable that is version 2.3 or higher.

Then, use your Web browser to visit the CGI script in whatever location you put it. You should get a page that lists your instance. Click on the instance name to start browsing with Flamenco.