The BAILANDO Projects


  Project Overviews





    Project Overviews

    Bailando means dancing in Spanish. The goal of the UC Berkeley BAILANDO projects is to make access to information seem as graceful and effortless as the dances that we have named our projects after. That is, we want to provide BAILANDO or "Better Access to Information using Language Analysis and New Displays and Organizations".

    The individual projects range from a search interface for intranets, to text data mining and automated evaluations of webpages. The unifying theme for these projects is to help people find, use, understand and create the information they need. The underlying philosophy behind these projects is that a strong focus on user interfaces and robust language analysis leads to better information access systems, and furthers our understanding of how people use and understand such systems.

    BioText Bioscience Text Data Mining

    New methods and tools to improve how bioscience researchers search for and synthesize information from textual descriptions of bioscience research.
    FLAMENCO Metadata in Search Interfaces

    We are exploring new ways to incorporate metadata into search interfaces.
    WebTANGO Automating Web Site Usability Assessment

    The goal of the WebTango project is develop tools and techniques to improved the web design process via the application of automated evaluation techniques.
    VISUALIZATION Information Visualization

    We are exploring a number of innovative methods of visualizing abstract information more effectively.
    ENRON EMAIL Analysis and Visualization of the Enron Email dataset

    We have created a relational database schema for the Enron Email collection, as well as hand-annotated a small subset of it, and a powerful web-based search interface for it.
    CHA-CHA Intranet Search Interfaces
    Cha-Cha is a search interface for heterogenous web intranets, such as those found at large universities, corporations, and government sites.
    T-SQAIRE Designing on the Digital Desk

    The T-SQAIRE project (Table Space for Queries and Architectural Information Retrieval) explores how the affordances of digital desk computing environments can improve information access during design tasks.
    CONGA Conference Reviewing Software

    The Conga Conference Reviewing Software, written in cgi-tcl, is available for free download and use.
    LINDI Text Data Mining

    This project has morphed into the BioText project.
    Past Projects TextTiling, TileBars, Cat-A-Cone, Scatter/Gather

    Earlier projects on language analysis and user interfaces for information access.